Levelling the playing field

Women in Sport

Levelling the playing field

Create an editorial publication for law firm ‘Farrer & Co’, visually transforming insights, data and stories surrounding gender diversity in sport.

By expressing the meaning behind Farrer’s extensive data and capturing stories of female success in sport, the publication became an engaging piece of communication full of infographics, dynamic layouts and powerful imagery.


Editorial design
Art direction
Print production
Content curation

The art direction for this publication captured women at their best, ensuring readers were left feeling inspired and motivated by the success of these women.

It was important that each image reflected themes such as resilience, celebration, triumph, joy and glory.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was turning heavy stats and figures into information that people would want to read. By creating simple illustrations that brought each sport to life, the data was far more engaging and gave depth to many of the spreads.